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#356 - Computer Generated Chart Patterns For Stock Trading



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha. Welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about computer-generated chart patterns for stock trading. The idea behind this is that there's a lot of services that are kind of springing up all over the place that have the ability to generate chart patterns on-the-fly for particular stocks. In fact, actually, the brokerage that we use which is TD Ameritrade and Thinkorswim has this functionality built into its charting software already, so you don't actually have to buy any other software technology out there. It's built into some of these broker platforms already and the idea is that based on some preset parameters and filters that the software is looking for, it can figure out if a particular chart pattern may or may not be present in the stock that you’re looking at, at the time. Now, many of you know my love-hate relationship with chart patterns. I love conceptually what they represent because I'm a visual learner, so I like the i