

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are reaching the one-year review and update for the daily call. First of all, I want to say thank you for those of you who’ve been with me this entire journey. It was a long 365 days, but a very much enjoyable process for me. I really like doing the daily call. I really like publishing them and hitting on different topics that we don't generally have an opportunity to touch on in some of our training and some of our content that we put out at Option Alpha. Now, in today's review, what I want to go through are some stats, some of the growth and some of the top shows that we've seen over the last year and also some themes that we might have moving forward on the podcast. Now, I am going to be continuing to do the daily call podcast, so it’s not going to be ending at all by any stretch and we hope to continue it for many years and I want to talk about some of the themes that we’re going to be going through as we