The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#366 - The 1st Machine Learning AI Technology For Retail Traders (OTIS)



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the first machine-learning AI technology for retail traders, one that we are coining, OTIS. It was hard to decide what I was going to follow up show number 365 which was our one-year review of the daily call podcast and I figured the best thing is to talk about this new technology which is truly the most exciting thing that I have been kind of working on with our team and something that I'm really excited to get out to you guys here in the next couple of months. But we've hinted at this in a couple of different areas, not only on the podcast, but also on our Facebook Live channel, also in the membership area and the forum. But our team has developed what I think is one of the coolest pieces of technology and that is a deep-learning AI technology for the stock market. Now, this is something that's not new to the stock market. If you’re thinking to yourself, “Well, I've heard of thi