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#373 - How Long Does It Take To Learn Options Trading The Right Way?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer a question, “How long does it take to learn options trading the right way?” This is a tough one because I know there's a lot of options trading education out there and I would like to tell you that it takes literally no time at all to learn how to trade options, but it's just not the truth. You can't learn how to trade options overnight and you certainly can't learn how to trade options at a weekend or a multi-day seminar or a boot camp. It's just not going to get ingrained into your mind and you’re not going to understand and really believe in the concepts in that short amount of time as much cramming as you try to get in. I think that options trading is truly probably a six to eight week process to learn. I think there's concepts that you have to master and you have to give your subconscious and conscious mind time to basically absorb and learn some of these concepts and methodologies, th