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#378 - Should You Withdraw Money From Your Investment Account To Pay Monthly Expenses?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “Should you withdraw money from your investment account to pay monthly expenses?” In this case, I wanted to read actually a member email that I got. And as you guys know, I get a lot of these emails which serves as the basis for a lot of the questions and topics that come up on the daily call. If you want to get your question answered or if you have some topics that you haven’t heard us cover yet, please go ahead and shoot me an email, send me a tweet, Facebook message or submit your question at which is the best place to go. This person said, “Well, what are your thoughts on withdrawing money from your account to pay for expenses? I know that you prefer to take a standard monthly draw, but what percentage of your account is too high where you risk having to constantly decrease your account size? Obviously, in an ideal world, your monthly expenses would be