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#402 - Why Do Option Contracts Offer Multiple Strike Prices And Expiration Dates?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we're going to answer the question, “Why do option contracts offer multiple strike prices and expiration dates?” And the simple answer here is variety. I could’ve said options, but that would be too simple because we’re talking about options contracts, but the answer here is just variety. And I often relate this to either grocery stores or cars, but in our world, we see that there’s hundreds, if not, thousands of different kinds and models and trim packages of cars out there, so if you want to get a car, there's no one standard car you could buy. You could buy this brand or that brand. You could get a truck, an SUV, a sports car, a convertible, a not convertible, whatever. And so, this variety allows people to choose based on their preference of what they want. They can choose to pay a higher amount of money to get a car that moves faster. They can choose to pay more money to get a car that's more reliable. It c