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#432 - Proof The Government Doesn't Want You To Retire



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to talk about some proof as to why the government doesn’t want you to retire. This may be a little bit of a touchy subject, so I wanted to approach this subject with hopefully a little bit of different insight and different thought process. I’ve always thought about this in the back of my mind. When I started out in this business, I was actually working in New York. I had an employee-sponsored plan through Deutsche Bank when I worked in New York and I always thought to myself like why couldn’t I contribute more to my retirement accounts, why were these limits in place, I mean, all of these things that you just actually kind of learn as you start getting into the workforce. And so, many people don’t realize that these are in place until they actually start generating money and have a salary or an income, but regardless, I think it’s an interesting conversation that we need to have and something that I alwa