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#436 - Financial Markets Often Do What We Least Expect



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why financial markets often do what we least expect. This is a really interesting topic and I think one that I really wanted to drive home today in the daily podcast, is this idea of taking the contrarian or opposing view with respect to where financial markets are and where financial markets might be going. Now, it’s hard to do because we are so bombarded by media and what we hear and what we read and influences of others that we often get pigeonholed into an ideology or a thought process that can be completely backwards from what actually might happen in the markets. And so, what I try to do often is try to remove myself from all of the noise and the chatter and try to figure out what do most people expect the market to do and then assume that the market does the complete opposite because what I know to be true is that the market is a very difficult thing to manage and I’m not t