

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why strategies never change, but tactics do. Now, this is something I think is really powerful and if you take the time to understand it, I think it has a lot of different similarities to things that we are used to in our lives or in our world. Well, I don’t know if I heard this originally from… Maybe I read it in a book or saw it somewhere or maybe went to a presentation and somebody said this, but I think it was just so powerful, it’s kind of stayed with me and I want to talk about it today. But the idea is that most of the time, we see people and they talk about this new hot thing that they’re doing or a new investing thing that they’re doing, but it’s actually nothing new. It’s just that they’re using a different tactic to go about this same old strategy from before. A lot of times, most people call it a new strategy or a new way of doing things, but it's really not. It’s just