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#454 - Earn Money Fast With Options Trading? Not Likely



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “Can I earn money fast with options trading?” And the short answer to it is not likely. Is it possible to earn money fast with options trading? 100% it’s possible to do. But is it likely to happen? Probably not. And in fact, if you do earn money fast with options, maybe you bought some option contracts and the stock moved or the ETF moved in the direction you thought it was going to move very quickly, yes, you can very quickly make some money. You can double, triple, quadruple your investment very quickly. But again, what I'm planning and I am more than happy to play the long-term game here is the overall expected payout of trades like that versus trades that I’m making. As a net option seller, I know that the expected outcome of my strategy is a profitable position and a profitable outcome for my portfolio, but as an option buyer, I would highly, highly suggest that you reeva