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#460 - For Options Traders, This Is The Gift That Keeps Giving



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why for options traders, this one thing is the gift that keeps on giving. And so, again, welcome back and happy holidays for those of you guys who are celebrating the holidays during this time. And so, I want to talk about gifts because it's around that kind of Christmas season. And so, for options traders, I was wondering what is the gift that options trading gives us and I the gift that options trading gives us that nobody can ever take away from us is the future and what I mean by that is not some mushy stuff about – “Oh, the future’s bright, the future’s this.” I’m talking about the expectation of the future and the fact that the future is unknowable. And so, for options traders and particularly option sellers, the fact that the future is unknowable is truly the best gift for an options trading system, especially an option selling system because we know and we can prove that i