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#762 - What Are The Different Types Of Brokerage Accounts?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “What are the different types of brokerage accounts?” For me and the way that I think about this, I really think that there’s probably three main types of accounts and then there’s sub-labels or categories within each. The three main ones for me I would say are cash accounts, margin accounts and then a discretionary account, so an account that might be managed for you by an IRA or something like that. And so, within those, then you can have multiple levels or labels depending on the brokerage that you use. For example, TD Ameritrade has a bunch of different standard, retirement, education, specialty accounts and then within those, so in particular, within the standard accounts that they have, you have individual, tenants-in-common, tenants with joined right over survivorship, community properties, tenants by entireties, guardianship or conservatorship. There’s always different