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#781 - Go Beyond Outcomes And Focus On The Process



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why you should go beyond outcomes and focus on the process. This is something that I talk about often with coaching clients and especially with our Pro and Elite members here at Option Alpha and it’s this idea of focusing really, really hard on the process and not so much the outcome. Now, this doesn’t mean that you totally reject the outcome of what you’re doing. It just means that the entire weight of what you’re looking at when you analyze your trading and your strategies, your mentality in trading should be more focused 80% I would say on the process of trading versus the outcome of what you see and this is true in pretty much every other discipline. I’ll use an example here which I think will help out, but if you’re looking to lose weight or be physically fit and healthy in the New Year, then you should focus on the process of eating right, of reducing the amount of processed f