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#795 - Just Started Investing? Allocate Everything Now Or Over-Time



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about a very hot topic which is, “Do you allocate everything now in lump sum or do you allocate over time if you’re just getting started in investing?” The good news here is that I think that a lot of data and research has already been done on this and in particular, Vanguard did a bunch of research on this which you can find online on Vanguard’s website that has the performance of lump sum investing versus some deviation of dollar cost averaging or systematic investing in the future, basically this idea that if you have this lump sum of cash that you’re going to invest in the market, do you do it all just now and throw it into a diversified portfolio or however you build your portfolio with options or do you dollar cost average into this over time and start to average down in the market or wait for a market fall or a better entry? And what they found and what a lot of people have also