Young Pr Pros

Episode #116: Concrete Steps to Help Learn from your Mistakes



Kristine shares a story about getting caught with an unlicensed image on her blog. She was sent a letter from a lawyer and had to pay a fee. The image was from a post published in 2011, she had just launched her blog that year. Ignorance is not an excuse to break the law, however. So she paid the fine and added this to her important list of lessons learned. This episode is about all those times we made a mistake and learned a valuable lesson. But Young PR Pros goes beyond just being aware of your mistakes and dives into the learning. If you make a big mistake – that gets you fired, humiliated, etc. – you are never going to make that mistake again, because it stays with you. But what about those smaller mistakes, forgetting a grammar law in your writing, forgetting to include someone in your email, or miscommunication an idea. Young PR Pros' Concrete Steps to Help Learn from your Mistakes Make notes while you are working. If you are half way through something and its hard and you regret the path, jot it down.