Stories From The Road

SftR 005: Dan and Lindsay from Follow Your Detour



Dan and Lindsay McKenzie were on their way to living the “American Dream,” when they got bad news. Instead of letting it rule them, they took a detour. Then another. Now, they’re following their detour (and documenting every step via their blog Follow Your Detour), and encouraging others to hit the road as well. They talk with us about what led them to find their own path, helping others get out of debt, and what the future looks like for Follow Your Detour.  Follow Dan and Lindsay on Instagram. 3:50 – The changes they made to get out of debt. 8:17 – What it took to get them on the road full time. 10:56 – Experience vs. things. 13:25 – What a day’s work looks like in the RV. 15:35 – The way their program has changed others’ lives. 17:45 – Where will Follow Your Detour go in the future? 22:35 – How they choose where they’re going next. 25:57 – Maintaining relationships on the road. 29:10 – Their favorite road stories.