Stories From The Road

SftR 014: Larrisa Runkle - Writer Living on the Road



RVs aren’t the only way to travel the country full-time. Larissa Runkle is opting even smaller, outfitting a camper van and alternating between national parks and events for her life on the road. She talked to us about the challenges she has faced building the van, how bare minimalism helps her focus, and her best advice for jumping into this with someone else along for the ride. You can keep up with Larissa via Instagram, or learn about some of her writing projects on her website. 2:34 – Way, way back to the beginning. 9:27 – Living on the road with like-minded people. 13:00 – Minimalism, simplicity, and focus. 16:00 – Building a customized camper van. 26:57 – Where she’s going. 30:53 – The experience that made her make the jump. 36:48 – The best advice for doing this with a friend.