Strong Suit Podcast

Recruit Rockstars 375: How to Change Your Luck in 2021



Your luck is about to change. And after 2020, we could all use some of that. But it doesn’t just happen… You need to make it happen. Even the most successful business leaders will tell you that luck & serendipity played a huge role in their ride. Warren Buffett famously said that much of his success is due to winning the lottery of being born in the United States at the right time in its evolution. So how do you change your luck? I wanted to find the answers from an expert. Christian Busch is author of the fascinating new book The Serendipity Mindset: The Art & Science of Creating Good Luck Christian is a brilliant guy. He’s Director of NYU’s Global Economy Program where he teaches purpose-driven leadership, entrepreneurship, and (social) innovation He’s also visiting professor at London School of Economics. In this 20-minute conversation, Christian reveals how to change your luck in 2021.