Spooky A S

170 Most Haunted House in England



Eric welcomes back Brian Toney to discuss The Most Haunted House in England: Borley Rectory! According to legend, the history of the place goes back to some murders that took place between 1300's-1600's. Murderous monks, wayward nuns, headless gardners and phantom coaches have all been said to haunt the property since then. From the 1920's through the 1940's the site was investigated by a self-proclaimed paranormal investigator by the name of Harry Price. Price claimed to have made communication with various spirits lurking in the house, but is Mr. Price legit or just another woo-woo hoaxer looking for fame and a payday? Sources for this episode include the book Strange Stories Amazing  Facts and the website skeptoid.com spookyas.com facebook.com/spookyas Music by Occultic Overtones