Weekly Leader Podcast

43 | Nina Bhatti, Principle Scientist, HP Labs



Pam interviews Nina Bahtti, Principle Scientist, HP Labs. Also, Rahm Emmanuel and the challenges of leadership, Exploratree's thinking guides, innovation teams and decisionmaking and great podsafe music from Shayna Zaid and the Catch. Leadership in the News The Limits of Rahmism by Peter Baker (NY Times Sunday Magazine - March 8, 2010) Social Media Minute/Website of the Week Exploratree's Thinking Guides - Tools to better analysis and decisionmaking Pam's Research Report of the Week Innovation Teams Lack Data, Structure by James Wilson for HBR Blog Network Other resources Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Management Science, Revised (with Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD-ROM) A Simpler Way by Margaret J. Wheatley Technical Note: Putting Discovery-Driven Planning to Work by Robert Cooper, Rita Gunther McGrath, Ian C. MacMillan - HBR Case Study The Go Point: When It's Time to Decide--Knowing What to Do and When to Do It by Michael Useem Weekly Leader Nina Bah