Weekly Leader Podcast

72 | Scott Eblin, The Next Level



This week Peter speaks with Scott Eblin about his new leadership book, The Next Level and the challenges of stepping into a new leadership role.  Plus Leadership in the News, Website of the Week, Pam's Research Report of the Week and more great podsafe musicby Ingrid Michaelson. Make sure you register with MeetTheBoss.TV using your Weekly Leader code (WKLR01) to learn leadership from some of the top global executives! It’s totally free! Please join our new Weekly Leader enewsletter mailing list and get a chance to win Bob Sutton’s new book, Good Boss, Bad Boss. Leadership in the News Final stretch of the 2010 election season - absurd political advertising via the New York Times Wally Bock’s Three Star Leadership’s Midweek Look at leadership on the Independent Business Blogs Also blogging at Results vs. Activities and People and the Changing Workplace Wally’s new book with Thomas Hall: Ruthless Focus Website of the Week McKinsey Quarterly - phasing out Premium (paid subscription) all content to be fre