Synesthesia Theatre

018: Cold Reboot, ep 5



Subscribe on: iTunes | Google Play | RSS Erica nabs a follow-up interview that promises to solve all of her problems! Unfortunately it doesn't go quite as expected. Show Notes Episode 5 Cold Reboot was adapted from the novel by Michael Coorlim. Produced by Kat O’Connor and Michael Coorlim. Associate Producer is Bill Bullock. Our cast, in order of appearance: Ruben, played by C.J. Julianus Erica Crawford, played by Kat O’Connor Adam's Rib AI, played by David Collins-Rivera Adam's Rib Manager, played by Joyce Porter Chris, played by Jennifer Lenius Nurse Carol, played by Amanda Meyer EMS Dispatch, played by Susan Victoria Thomas Dale, played by Bill Bullock Ruamano, played by Kathryn Palmer Punga, played by Bill Bullock Synesthesia Theatre theme music by Stav Drieman. Learn more at Questions? Comments? Follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Like this episode? Subscribe, rate, and review it on iTunes, and tell your friends. It keeps us high in the rankings so more listeners can find us. Want to write f