Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 125: Jo Whittemore – Writing What’s True To You



Jo Whittemore is the author of numerous middle-grade humor and fantasy novels. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and is part of the Texas Sweethearts & Scoundrels. She writes from her secret lair in Austin, Texas, which she shares with her husband. “I Can do it----Watch”: Why are you afraid to fail? Jo shares some lessons learned through self-teaching and pushing through early mistakes. She says that trying something you’ve never done before means you don’t know that you can fail. It’s when others tell you that you can’t do it that the fear and uncertainty creep in. YOU must decide whether or not to believe them. Sometimes you just need to say, “I CAN do it—watch!” TWEET: Until someone says you can’t do something, you don’t realize that you may fail. @JoWhittemore Your Inspiration: Where does your inspiration come from? Jo says that her inspiration for writing comes mostly from the “what-ifs” that she ponders. Observing the world around you will fill you wi