Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 135: Sara J. – A Convo with Aimee J.’s Mom



You think YOU have dreams and the courage to pursue them? Hold on to your hat, because you’ll be blown away by the dreams of my guest today! Growing up in another country with a much different standard of living that most Americans are used to has given this amazing lady a unique perspective on chasing dreams. She’s tough and gritty with a side of soft and sweet. I’m thrilled to introduce you to my mom, Sara J.! Growing up in a different world Have you ever thought how difficult it would be to grow up in a different country? Sara grew up in south India as the youngest of eight children. Family was everything in her world, with cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews all around. Her brother had a milk company with lots of cows and buffaloes to care for. Before and after school for Sara were filled with hard work, collecting and delivering milk and caring for the animals. Lunch was usually rice with a vegetable, as meat was a scarcity. She finished high school and went to Mumbai for nursing school. TWEET: I