Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 136: Ant McGinley – Even When Things Are At Their Worst Keep Chasing



Ant McGinley is a psychology graduate, former morning radio show host, former cruise ship social host, wannabe multi-linguist, networking ninja, wannabe wrestler, and creative director. He is the co-founder of Abrupt Audio, and last year, in the first year of his company trading, he oversaw the production of 312 podcast episodes. He grew an online community of over 2000 podcasters in the group, PodTips. He’s the producer and co-writer of the award-nominated comedy soccer podcast “On the Left Side” and is the host of the PodTips podcast. He’s a soon-to-be speaker at Podcast Movement 2018, and I’m thrilled to be able to introduce him to you! The Artist’s Struggle Have you gone through a struggle and then found happiness in chasing your dreams? Ant’s background is in radio, and he always loved the freedom and creativity of the job. He found success there, working for BBC, Radio One, and several other endeavors. When he discovered podcasting, everything fell into place with the audio he loved, and he was happy to