The Inspired Guide Podcast

Episode 21: Sanity Sessions with Christina and Darlene



I am very excited to bring to you a new format to the Inspired Entrepreneur's Guide podcast series. Once a month you'll be treated to a co-hosted episode featuring myself and my good friend, Christina Nelson. Christina and I met about 7-8 years ago on the Virtual Assistant Forums. Since then, we've become a support system for each other in our business and life. If I have a business idea, Christina is typically the first person I'll email. And, she does the same! So it only made sense, that when I decided I wanted to do a co-hosted series, Christina was my first choice!  In this inaugural co-hosted episode, Christina and I chat about entrepreneurial ideas, which is fitting. As an entrepreneur, ideas will come to you. Some you may decide to follow, others will just sit on the back-burner and percolate, and others you just won't know what to do with them. For full show notes and links, visit