Get Social Health With Janet Kennedy

Marie Ennis-O'Connor



Marie Ennis-O'Connor is a social media consultant for healthcare and pharma. She visited the Get Social Health podcast to talk about her upcoming presentation for the Annual Meeting of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network. Marie visited the Get Social Health podcast 3 years about as a "must follow" social media expert and that is still very true. Listen to the podcast here or drop in at the time stamps below.   Janet:                                00:00                   One of my go-to healthcare social media consultants is Marie Ennis O'Connor. She's a wonderful person who's been on the podcast before and is very savvy about how to craft, must read headlines and compelling content for social media and you know that's a challenge we face every day. Find out how she does it on Get Social Health, Announcer:                      00:22                   welcome to Get Social Health, a conversation about social media and how it's being used to help hospitals, social practices, healthcare practitioners and pa