Large Marge Sent Us

223. Salute Your Shorts



Happy Anniversary to The Sweeties! This week marks our fourth anniversary here at Large Marge Sent Us, and while we had planned on doing Cocoon, the streaming gods were against us AGAIN. We had to order the DVD from Japan, so it will be here in a tick, but until then to celebrate our four year (also known as the fruit/flowers anniversary!) we did a mini ep on Salute Your Shorts! Broadcast on Nickelodeon from 1991 to '93, Salute Your Shorts was short lived (haha) but packed a big punch as far as nostalgia goes! Budnick! Donkey Lips! Sponge! It's the classic camp spoof that we were addicted to as kids.  We watched a couple of eps and it's still pretty charming today and Zeke the Plumber is still wicked scary! Oh come celebrate this happy milestone and listen to Large Marge Sent Us, the grubby little four year old that she is, today!