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231. Elvira Mistress of the Dark



Our spooky journey this month continues with Elvira Mistress of the Dark! A film Sweetie thought was utterly scandalous when she'd secretly watch it in our basement as a plucky eight year old, Elvira is a campy, horror goth B movie classic that introduced the world to one fiesty, big boobed witch full of tons of chupatz and an unending supply of sexual innuendos! We really feel Elvira is ahead of her time and is a feminist icon we can all get behind - she's not afraid of who she is and doesn't take any shit from men trying to ogle her goodies or women trying to tear her down.  We'll talk about all about the rise of actress and Elvira herself, Cassandra Peterson, the history of horror movie hosts and Tales from the Crypt, and how we really should reinstate a Elvira fan club because she really is that kickass.