Large Marge Sent Us

239. She's Having a Baby



Happy New Year! Our big announcement this week is Sweetie is pregnant and we'll be welcoming Sweetie Jr. to the podcast in early July! In celebration, we watched She's Having a Baby, a not often thought of John Hughes film that should be called He's Having a Breakdown, because Kevin Bacon's Jefferson "Jake" Briggs is having a mid life crisis ... and he's just 25! This movie was weird guys, and really wasn't about babies at all! It was about a not great marriage with not great people and many, many dream sequences that really took the movie to a bad place.  However, you'll enjoy lots of John Hughes' movie alumns in this, enjoy Kevin Bacon's cool 80s wardrobe and the soundtrack wasn't half bad! Plus Alec Baldwin is at his sleeziest and man it is gross. Tune in to us talk babies and Bacon!