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244. Brandy Cinderella



This month the 1997 version of Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella starring Brandy and Whitney Houston finally made it's way to Disney+ and we've never been happier! This was the EVENT of the late 90s, as us young girls were so happy to watch an updated version of this classic musical starring a pop star and George from Seinfeld! But truth be told - this music is rad, with loud, tacky storybook level costumes, a cute prince, and lots of great diversity casting. We love all the songs and had fun warbling through them tonight, as well as talking about the peak Brandy years (The Boy is MINE! Moesha!), how we wish they would do more stuff like this, less remakes of cartoons into shitty live action versions that are uninspired, and why the hell is that glass slipper so god damned ugly! You won't want to miss!