Large Marge Sent Us

246. Lady and the Tramp



He's a tramp, he's a scoundrel. He's a rounder, he's a cad. He's a tramp but I looooove him, and even I have got it pretty bad. Tonight we watched Disney's Lady and the Tramp from 1955! An oldie but goodie that's all about class differences in the dog world + how life really is better if you have owners to feed and house you.  Sure, the racist portrayal of the Siamese Cats really needs to go, but in general this movie still holds pretty strong as a foundational dog movie from our childhood.  We'll talk about the time Sweetie stumbled upon a recording on the family answering machine of little Sweety doing her best Peggy Lee impression and singing He's a Tramp, debate whether Lady was knocked up after a night on the town with the Tramp, and why does cartoon spaghetti and meatballs look so damned tasty?!