Large Marge Sent Us

253. Her Alibi



Time for another late 80s rom com! Her Alibi stars the man with the best mustache EVER, Tom Selleck and Paulina Poriskova a hot model turned actress with REALLY long hair.  We'll blame Carol and our older sister Liz for getting us into this movie - probably forever swayed by Tom Selleck's looks - and we remember loving it as a kid, but man this movie is kind of thin! Selleck is crime writer Phillip Blackwood, whose talents are suspect and when he gets writer's block, he decides to be the alibi for a hot lady maybe killer who he spotted during arraignment court.  She has to go live with him at his sick house in Connecticut (okay that's a little creepo) and he thinks she's hot but also thinks she might be trying to kill him. Turns out she's just a clown on the run. So yeah wild movie! We'll talk about whether Tom Selleck with a beard AND mustache is a good idea, how it might be fun to get hit with a cream pie, and some fun 80s things like connected computer paper and our favorite, the car phone!