Large Marge Sent Us

256. Father of the Bride Part II



June is officially Baby Month here at Large Marge Sent Us as we prepare to welcome Sweetie Jr. into the club oh so soon! So to start off we watched Father of the Bride Part II, probably one of our favorite baby centric movies and really a near perfect sequel. All the favs from the original come back, Annie is married and pregnant and surprise, Nina, mother of the bride is too! This is A LOT for poor George Banks to handle as he oscillates between guy going through a mid life crisis because he's about to be a grandfather and guy going through a crisis because he's about to be a dad thrice over at the age of 56.  Whew, poor guy.  We'll talk about some of the Hollywoodisms surrounded pregnancy, labor and delivery, how George Banks' level of obsession with his daughter is borderline creeper, and what we think of the name Chloe Dankman for a baby name! Every party has a pooper guys!