Large Marge Sent Us

269. Three Men and a Baby



Our final movie for Baby Month is Three Men and a Baby, a gem from 1987 directed by none other than Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy! We've always been a fan of the sequel to this movie - Three Men and a Little Lady, but the original is awfully cute and features three great lead actors (Selleck! Guttenberg! Danson!), a cute baby, and a some what nonsense drug side plot that seems to be pretty integral to 80s movies, let's be real. We'll talk about a major movie urban legend with this one about a ghost boy in the window, how we were glad this wasn't soley about men being completely clueless about taking care of children, and Tom Selleck's short shorts, obvi. We'll be taking a little hiatus as Sweetie pops out Sweetie Jr. but hope to be back in a couple weeks with our new co-host baby!