Graduate Job Podcast

#75: How to get a Solicitors Training Contract, with Sarah Cave



Hello and welcome to the 75th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast. The heatwave is continuing here in London and the summer is proving a cracker! This warm weather does make it difficult to knuckle down and do some work, so I hope your job preparation hasn’t been too badly impacted. Don’t worry if it has been, tomorrow is another day, and you can crack on from there. So enough of the waffle, lets’ crack straight into today’s episode, which is a certifiable cracker. Today I’m joined by qualified solicitor and the author of the excellent new book, "The Complete Guide to Getting a Solicitor's Training Contract", the multi-talented Sarah Cave. Now, if you’re not interested in a career in law don’t turn this off, as the episode is packed to the rafters full of amazing tips, hints and all round great advice that will apply no matter what sector or jobs you’re applying for. Getting a training contract as we discuss in the show is super competitive with tens of thousands of candidates vying for thousands of spaces an