Graduate Job Podcast

#120: How a disastrous teenage love life will help you get a graduate job



For the 120th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast I speak with graduate recruitment expert, author and Netflix TV show producer Andrew Osayemi, who takes us through how his disastrous teenage love life will help you get a graduate job. In today’s wide-ranging episode, Andrew shares his experiences from both sides of the graduate recruitment fence, and we discuss why getting on a graduate scheme is just like dating. We cover how getting a graduate job is like getting into a top nightclub, and the strategies you need to adopt to get into both. We explore why you need more than just good grades when you apply, and how playing poker led Andrew to career success. We delve into the skills you need to succeed in a job interview and why you should definitely be practising your small talk skills and utilizing the power of telling stories. It’s a fun episode and no matter what you are applying for, not one that you will want to miss. As always you can find a full transcript including all of the show notes at www.gradua