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Can We Live Only with Love without Darkness? Ven. Pomnyun’s Dharma Q&A



Ven. Pomnyun's Answer to "Can We Live Only with Love without Darkness? ” Selection from a Dharma Q&A session at Busan City Hall, Busan (June 15, 2019) my question is, Mister, what do you think about Yin Yang philosophy as there is a day and night, there is love and hate, and the complete contrary is the utopia. What do you think is the possibility to live only or if there is a possibility to live only with love as according to Buddha’s teaching? If we look at love or let’s say light is just non-presence of darkness, so if it’s possible actually, if in this world we can live only with love, except [for] the night. If there is a possibility that we can live without the dark side, let’s say. Because I believe each person has their own dark side and we need this dark side to be here, to appreciate the good things that happen in our lives. So I would define the love as the bright side. Thank you for answering. I really appreciate it. So I would just say that Majjhimāpaṭipadā, the middle way. It’s the coexisten