2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 113 — Servant Leadership with Lyle Tard



2-Minute Tip — Tempo   When things are going well or smoothly we often talk about being in a state of flow. We feel it in music; we feel it when we’re writing code; we feel it when we’re doing needlepoint; and we feel it on stage when we speak.   Part of what drives that rhythm is finding the right tempo, or pace, for ourselves and hour talk.   Tempo goes beyond just finishing on time (though that’s important, too). It’s about honing in on the natural way that you talk. If you naturally talk fast, that may be fine. I you talk fast because you’re nervous, then that’s something to worry about.   The length of your sentences, the words you choose, your phrasing, etc., all impacts your tempo.   When you find yourself giving a talk that just “feels right,” ask yourself what you were doing in that talk. Ideally you recorded it so you can go back and listen to it again a figure out what made it smooth.   You probably found your tempo. And when that happens, don’t fight it — lean into it. Embrace your tempo.   Your s