2 Minute Talk Tips

Episode 121 — Toastmasters and Vulnerability with Ari Gunzburg



2-Minute Tip: Be Vulnerable   When you open up and share your story with an audience, it gives them an opportunity to connect with you on a deeper, emotional level. When you establish that connection with them, they listen more closely, relate to you better, and are more likely to retain your message or execute your call to action.   It’s not something to fake though. Audience’s can generally sense when someone is being authentic, rather than being fake. And vice versa.   So on stage, you don’t need to pretend to be perfect. You can share failures and mistakes. You won’t chase away your audience. You’re more likely to inspire them to join you on the journey.   Post Tip Discussion: Meet Ari Gunzburg   Ari is now a motivational speaker, a podcast host, and a wilderness liaison. Once his two podcasts are launched, and his workload calms down slightly, Ari plans to start writing a book, outlining specific programs and ideas to help people build a more meaningful life.   Ari learned about death early in life. He