Hack Circus

Stalin and the scientists



This week we chat to writer and editor Simon Ings. Simon has just written a non-fiction book about science research under Stalin's regime. We talk about the plight of the scientists, the problem of metricised governing, and why Russia's plans were often far more rational than they later seemed. These complex issues are brought to life brilliantly by Simon – who is also a science fiction author, and the culture editor of New Scientist magazine. You can order Stalin and the Scientists on Amazon.  Remember to subscribe and rate the show on iTunes, to ensure you don't miss many other equally interesting episodes which will be uploaded weekly from now on. Hack Circus is also a magazine and an event series. See hackcircuspodcast.com for more about the show, hackcircus.com for the magazine, and @hackcircus on Twitter. We're also on Facebook and Instagram.