Hack Circus

Part 2 Mary Turner Thomson I married a psychopath



This is the second half of a long chat I had with the incredibly inspiring Mary Turner Thomson; check out part 1 first, if you haven't already. Mary’s tale of living with a sociopathic liar is unlike anything you've heard before – but the way she has overcome this appalling experience makes her the true star of the story. Raising children without their dad, writing books, giving talks – Mary is fuelled by a determination to help others. Find out how she has turned her experiences into 'gold clouds' in this episode; we could all take a leaf out of her book. You can check out Mary’s story on her website maryturnerthomson.comand buy her book on Amazon. She’s also on Twitter and Facebook and always up for chatting to anyone who wants to talk about, well, anything really. She replies to all emails. If you enjoy Hack Circus please rate or review on iTunes, or just tell a friend about it! Hack Circus goes up every Monday and Thursday, and you can peek behind the curtain by following us on Facebook (hackcircuspodca