Hack Circus

Emma Bearman – The Willy Wonka of Leeds



Emma Bearman founded Playful Leeds – now Playful Anywhere, and is the proud proprietor of the Playbox, a shipping container full of surprises, entertainment and imaginative potential that turns up in public spaces all over Yorkshire. Emma also founded The Culture Vulture, the very successful magazine site rounding up the best of the Leeds arts scene. In this chat, we find out about the challenges of facilitating a vision of this scale on your own, how play relates to disobedience, and where the drive to create playful spaces comes from in the first place. https://vimeo.com/68169045 (Urban Mischief video, with the diving board etc) https://twitter.com/PlayfulAnywhere http://www.playfulanywhere.co.uk https://theculturevulture.co.uk/ https://uk.linkedin.com/in/emmabearman http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/why-robots-are-set-to-take-over-leeds-1-6037956