Cincinnati Magazine Podcast

Inside the August Issue



For some people, the spelling bee they won in second grade was a crowning achievement. Others may have won a little league championship or conducting some sort of exploding volcano experiment that garnered a first place ribbon. We here at Cincinnati Magazine ate Pop-Tarts. The breakfast pastry of champions was a critical component of our childhood, adolescence, and now adulthood, so we were astonished upon discovering Fat Ben's version of pop-tarts. Now of course they aren't called Pop-Tarts (so please don't sue, Kellogg's) but they evoke a certain childhood nostalgia and ramp up the quality. So yes, this is a podcast devoted in large part to two grown adults discussing their mutual appreciation of Pop-Tarts, but it also involves those same grown adults admitting to their own incompetency in growing plants at home and competing in Olympic events. Come to think of it, maybe if we had never eaten Pop-Tarts in the first place, we could have been race walking champions after all... For a handy dandy way to consum