
Episode 12 - Putting the "Dom" in Fandom with Max Scoville



Welcome to the twelth episode of the official Crunchyroll Podcast, CrunchyCast! Each week, we'll be bringing you the hottest news and perspectives on the world of anime. Join hosts Evan and Victoria as they delve into the best programming the web has to offer, explore pressing questions, and interview the anime community and industry's most compelling personalities. This week, our hosts are joined by Max Scoville of IGN and The Comedy Button. You can find him on Twitter at @MaxScoville. Show Notes: News Victoria  Prison School Announcement Evan: 2015 Animator Dormitory Crowdfunding Campaign Launches Max: Dragonball Super excitement is building up Anime Evan’s pleased to share his experiences with Gall Force Victoria cooking up excitement for Food Wars Questions   Jace Summers (‏@Colamancer) I always watch the entire intro/outro to anime, probably a habit from the VHS rental days. Do ya'll do this too? ♡ 위니 린 ♡ (‏@WinnieLin21) Favorite school romance anime? Brett (@thetruebrett) W