
Episode 25 – An Average Human Mother



After a two-week break for the holidays (during which we posted a podcast blooper reel on Crunchyroll and released the Crunchyroll Holiday Special), Victoria and Evan are back in the office to talk about the upcoming anime they're excited about, the state of anime convention attendance going into 2016, and the 1980s time capsule that is Fight! Iczer One, and Gundam Thunderbolt. Show Notes We released a blooper reel of the podcast hosts' antics during the pre-show for each episode. Both Evan and Victoria are in the Crunchyroll Holiday Special, hosted by the Internet's (now TV's) Michael Toole. Evan's exited to see Kiznaiver and Lupin III Part 4 on Crunchyroll. Victoria is interested in Myriad Colors Phantom World. Final Fantasy IX is coming out on PC and smartphones. Lightning from Final Fantasy is modeling for Louis Vuitton. BlueSakuga released a cool compilation video of some of the best animated shots of 2015. There's a Love Live museum in Akihabara, but it's just a store. released their ann