
Crunchycast Ep. 29 - with Special Guest Miranda Sanchez of IGN Anime Club



Guest Miranda Sanchez (@HavokRose) from the IGN Anime Club Podcast joins Evan Minto and Victoria Holden in the Crunchycast Studio. This week, the gang discusses the Winter 2016 anime season. Miranda’s watching ERASED & Phantom World, a show that made Victoria cry. Evan’s on a Sherlock Holmes kick and Miranda’s obsessed with Genos (and Undertale) fan art. Also in this episode: Jellyfish (the band) and their connection to Puffy AmiYumi Bayonetta Lots of feels In the news: Kingdom Hearts megafan creates a custom made Oath Keeper engagement ring. Fans start a petition to have Danny DeVito voice Pikachu in the recently announced Detective Pikachu game for the Nintendo 3DS. This Always Sunny/Pikachu mashup will make you a believer. Evan, Victoria & Miranda also tackle your questions: Jeff Hotnog (FB): What are you guys' favorite examples of videogames based off anime or favorite anime based off videogames? @saintgabriel7: What are shows that you were into last season that you didn't keep up w