
Crunchycast Ep. 42 - Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Space Patrol Luluco and Toradora



This week, Evan and Victoria talk about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the latest episode of Space Patrol Luluco and Toradora. In the news, Sir Ian McKellen reads Archer's invocation from Fate/Stay Night, the most unpopular Pokemon launches a campaign to improve its image, and "your name" will have its world premiere at Anime Expo in Los Angeles. All that plus answers to your anime questions! Evan is writing for Ani-Gamers and Otaku USA. Victoria is posting videos on her YouTube channel. You can find more episode of Crunchycast on Crunchyroll, YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and our Libsyn page. The Crunchycast is hosted by Victoria Holden and Evan Minto and edited by Bill Zoeker. If you have any questions for our hosts, you can reach us at, or on Twitter at @SailorBee and @VamptVo respectively. The opening and ending music in Crunchycast are produced by Noah Hafford, who can be found at his SoundCloud.