Entrepreneurs And Coffee

1: An Early Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life With Hal Elrod



Interested in starting your own business on the side?  Let's chat! Okay, so there's a reason I wanted Hal Elrod to be my first episode. In this episode, Hal and I grab a cup of Bulletproof coffee and chat about: Dying!?! (But seriously, he did die) A GEM of advice about sales that literally changed my thoughts on work Coming back from depression (including something he hasn't talked about publicly before) The Miracle Morning (more on that below) The funniest "Random Question" answer I've ever had and, as always, two huge pieces of actionable advice for entrepreneurs starting out, and entrepreneurs who've been in the game for a bit. If you loved joining me and Hal for a cup of coffee as much as I did, please subscribe on iTunes and leave us a rating and review! Super Rad Stuff Hal and I mentioned in this episode: The Miracle Morning The Five Minute Journal