Entrepreneurs And Coffee

2: Making This Your Best Year Ever with Michael Hyatt



Check this out as you sit down for coffee with me and Michael Hyatt Man!  I can’t believe we’re already on episode number 2!  I so incredibly pumped to sit down for coffee today with our guest.  Not that I need the coffee, though. I’ve been up since 2am and I’ve already had an entire pot of coffee so I’m all set.  This is going to be an incredible chat that’s going to help me *and* you take it to a new level in 2015.  And don’t worry about taking notes during our conversation today.  I have all of the notes for you at eandcoffee.com.  Also, I have a really cool surprise in store for you and our guest that I can’t wait to share, so please, grab your coffee and let’s chat with our guest today, Michael Hyatt. I'd absolutely love to connect with you.  Send a quick email over to brendanhufford@gmail.com and I'll get back to you right away.